Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the gypsy life

well, i can't believe i have not blogged in soooo long.
i have recently begun living the gypsy life. due to an issue with me husband i recently felt the immediate need to leave my house for an indefinite, maybe forever, amount of time. so i am now living the gypsy life by "living" at my mom's in sonoma and commuting to berkeley to keep my job. to cut down on the driving miles i am staying at one of the kid's house on mondays and then staying at my friend liz's house on tuesdays and wednesdays since i "nanny" for her on those evenings anyway. so far, the gypsy life is not so bad. living out of the boxes and bags in the back of my car, realizing just how little a person really needs to survive the daily living of working by day and babysitting by night. since i don't have my computer hooked up anywhere.......i will probably not be blogging much except my long boring word bloggings, no pictures of projects or grandkids or interesting things like that.
emotionally i am feeling better than i have in months and months. it is so amazing what taking care of yourself and not worrying about how to fix someone else can do for you! so anyone who was worried about me, worries be gone...........i am fine. i am even better than fine.
for all of you who lent your ears, shoulders, arms and homes to me in the past few weeks, Thank You all. i have the best friends and family a girl could ever have.
i will keep you all apprised of the gypsy life as the days go by.
xoxo, nanc


Mallory Phillipy said...

nancie! you are such a brave woman, i look up to you so so much. you're amazing, i hope you know this. i'm thinking about coming by MDW saturday to say hi to peeps, will you be around?

Anna Lockhart said...

Hey girl,
Glad your doing well and are happy. That's whats important.
I'm going to the Scrap for A Cure crop, hope to see you there.
Or if you happen to be at MDW let me know it would be good to see.

Take care Anna

Unknown said...

Nancie, I am so proud of you right now! You are strong wonderful woman and I love you!

Casey said...

You are one strong lady to do such a good thing for yourself! Lots of love and support!